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Me by LW-83.jpg




It always feels a little funny writing an "About Me" section because I'm not sure if I should give you the straight facts like...

I was born in Indiana but moved with my family to Tokyo, Japan when I was 1 yr old until we moved to Illinois 6 years later. With the exception of K-2nd grade and my Jr. and Sr. year of high school, I was a homeschooler.  Yep, one of those. ;) I'd like to say I was quirky, not weird...sounds so much better! I graduated from Illinois State University majoring in Communication and Psychology.  I currently live in Chicago where I primarily shoot weddings and editorial photography. I've had a blog since my sophomore year of's been my shield at times, a platform at others, and mostly just a corner of the Internet where I love to be silly and get away with it. 

If I wasn't giving you the straight facts, I'd tell you that I wanted to be a jockey, an actress, an astronaut, a judge, lawyer, teacher, PR consultant, counselor...and somehow, ended up a photographer! 

One thing I've said since I was little is that I wanted to travel, experience life fully, love and be loved...all of which are a very significant reality in my life. Blogging and photography are an extension of where my heart lies, which is with my family and friends.  The titles I love most are aunt, sister, daughter, and friend.  

I'm energized by people. I love to dance, but mostly when I'm alone or in the car with a good friend. If you were to ask me what I love most in life, it's relationships with people, their stories, and finding that connection we all share.  Most of all, I love the Lord...He has my heart and always will. 

I hope this blog just continues to be an honest reflection of my heart and life.  Thanks for sharing in it with me whether you're a secret reader or a faithful commenter. :) l'm so honored to share my story with you and hope I get to know yours someday.



M o m m y, even though you're not physically here, your legacy continues to convict and inspire me.  You're the voice in  my head , constantly pushing me to run faster, higher, and stronger.  I loved dreaming with you...and wish I could be sharing this one with you. I miss you much and love you more.

D a d d y, you are the one that instilled in me, the love for photography, cameras, and anything with buttons.  I'm  proud to be known as yours.  Thanks for being the best of men and my protector.

M y  d e a r  s i s t e r s, Rebekah and Heidi...thanks for being my constant cheerleaders, the words of truth, and not letting me live content in potential.  You're my soft place to fall and the hands that hold me up.  Your love for me always amazes me. 

G o d, who is my business partner and life's love, for fulfilled dreams and profound opportunities...but even more, for the closed doors in my life  because without those, I would be living a life of small ambitions. I LOVE YOU.

And finally, m y b e a u t i f u l  c l i e n t s who invite me into the most sacred memories of your lives, thank YOU. You have my heart forever and truly are the pulse to my business. Without you, this would all still be a dream.