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Tami Inoue


I can't even tell you how exciting this is that I've actually launched my new blog...that the URL works (tremendous accomplishment!!!)...that I was able to publish it...and now, you're reading these words.

WHY A NEW BLOG? Just as a storefront needs a new coat of paint, new window displays, a new flooring...after 5 years of business, it was time to give my business storefront a facelift. The timing seemed right as there are some new directions that my business is headed and I wanted to create an atmosphere to better reflects where I feel like I'm going in style and perspective.

WHAT WILL BE DIFFERENT? It's mostly the layout. When I blog, I find that my mind works much like a magazine. I'd think, "I want to write a Dish review" or it's time for a "People You Should Know featurette". Because of this, I found the layout of my last blog to be a little frustrating because I was writing in categories but it was displaying it as a blog roll (I may have just made that term up!). This layout better reflects how my mind thinks when I write. I also know people were having a difficult time commenting on my last blog and I'm hoping this will aleviate a lot of those problems

It’s not about finding your’s about accepting the voice you already have.
— Jonas Peterson

One thing I decided was that instead of having someone build a new blog for me, I'd do it myself. I could see it perfectly in my was just transfering that onto the screen. It's been about a year in the making, and today is the launch of my vision.

It's still a work in progress, but as they say, "Done is often better than perfect"...or in my case, launched is better than perfect. :) I started the Instagram/Facebook coundtown because I knew I'd need the accountability to go through with you guys were my greatest accountability keepers without even knowing it! Thanks. ;)

Jonas Peterson once said, "It's not about finding your's about accepting the voice you already have." The past year has been one of learning that lesson among many others. I've been silent a lot this past year on my's been a good thing. In some weird way, I felt like I had to be very quiet in order to hear it again...I know, I'm being that annoying cryptic poster...Some day soon, I'll write about that. It made me work through some difficult questions and now feeling like I'm on the "other side" of's one of those "I wouldn't trade it for anything" experiences. But like I said, more on that later! Until then, I've launched and I couldn't be happier. I think I'll now go take a very long shower, sigh a VERY deep breath, and do a happy jig.

I couldn't have launched this withought:


...their customer service has been exceptional. I mean like, I tried to reach through the screen with my words to verybally hug the guy and may have forever been labled as "the weird girl".


...again, the guy spent so much time and effort helping me even FIND my account. Yeah, it was rough...but if you're reading this because you typed in the old address, you've got Scott to thank! ;)

Rebekah and Heidi sisters who poked around the blog for me and emoji-five'd me.

And a HUGE thanks to

Lauren Wakefield

...she woke up early and did a shoot for this blog. We got there and I basically gave her four words: light, movement, airy, happy. The truth is, I basically described her and how she brings that out in all her subjects. I've never felt so comfortable and we just laughed and were silly and she happened to be photographing as well. :)

Erin roommate who has sat wide-eyed and listened as if she's been super interested while I point out details of my blog that even I'm bored with. She's also just given me laugh breaks when I was sitting and working on it for much too long.

Okay, now I'll go walk to a coffee shop, edit, read a book, and clean my house...all things that have been put off. Oh, and write my next post. ;)

All my love. Tami

Be sure to check out the Winners post to see if you won a prize!!