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Jennifer + Jeremy {Just 'Cause}




Jennifer + Jeremy {Just 'Cause}

Tami Inoue

I LOVE shooting "Anniverary sessions" with my couples.  I got to shoot Jeremy + Jenny's wedding over a year ago in Wisconsin, and it was full of wonderful family, great details, location, dress, wedding party...pretty much all the things that make me love a wedding. But beyond the wedding, I remembered just really liking Jeremy and was that feeling of wanting to hang out with them beyond a wedding day. 

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We walked through prickly wild flowers, sat on the cement ground, and climbed through tree trunks...but it was all so fun 'cause we just talked and laughed a lot.  

Jeremy and Jenny have been married for over a year at this point, and it was so good to catch up, ask them how life has been, and hear what they remembered and thought of from their wedding day.  So, in answer to "Where are they now?"...they're in Wisconsin, living life, working, loving, figuring marriage out and most of all, still laughing a lot together.

It's an honor for me to call them my friends, and I'm pretty sure I finagled myself onto their Christmas card yeah, I'm considering myself "in" with them. :)

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All my love to you both, Jeremy + Jenny...thanks for spending the afternoon with me!